Meeting cluster formation in the Limburg short chain – June 9 Maastricht

The short food chains are accelerating. Regionally sourced food is more relevant than ever. Over the past 3 years, short chains, urban agriculture networks, educational institutions and youth networks have joined forces in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area (AMA) to develop a robust, regional and regenerative food system.
In Limburg, a three-year trajectory (LOF programme) was completed, in which a short chain platform was realised through collaboration with various chain partners; the Streekproductenplein. As a spin-off, the Streekproductenplein has been supplying regional products to the Province of Limburg since the end of 2022, as a preferred supplier within the concession ‘Catering Services Province of Limburg 2022-2028’ of the Province House in Maastricht. In addition, Streekproductenplein participates in the annual winter event Magisch Maastricht Vrijthof for the period 2022-2026, which showcases regional products.

Co-creation session Limburg-MRA March 26th 2023
On March 26th 2023, we visited the AMA with a number of stakeholders for peer2peer network exchange. This meeting took place at the Food Forum in Almere. It was agreed that this meeting will be followed up in Limburg, where we will continue with the intended cooperation and co-creation.
Follow-up meeting June 9th, Maastricht
The meeting ‘Clustering in the Limburg short chain is all about Connecting and Cooperation within the short chain in the Province of Limburg, and will take place at the Hotel Management School Maastricht – Zuyd Hogeschool, Bethlehemweg 2, 6222 BM Maastricht, on Friday June 9th from 10:00 – 16:00.
On this day, we will flesh out the connection and cooperation within the short chain in the province of Limburg. This session is also intended to accelerate ongoing developments in the short chain and we will do this together with the Dutch Short Chain Collective in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area (AMA).
Both regions are thus ready to accelerate. This is an exciting development, where the regions can learn and co-create with each other.