Amped orchestrates collaboration and propels innovation ecosystems forward using nature-inspired gamification principles. Our approach involves implementing a holistic organisational model that integrates the physical food chain with blockchain technology, tokens and smart contracts. Amped’s expertise spans from food supply chain applications to EU partnerships for local food system development, offering valuable connections, insights and funding opportunities. Read our Q&A to learn more about Amped.
A just transition to robust, regional and regenerative food systems
AMPED facilitates robust, regional and regenerative food systems.
Regional food strategy
Roadmap, Business Innovation, GAIN Transition Model
Smartchain-platform, Applications, Data, Blockchain-as-a-service (BSV)
Farmers, Talents, Business, Markets, Funding
Writing Office
Focus on transformative change in the food system, following a process with nature-based principles
While seeking to improve the practical day-to-day reality of farmers and farmer collectives, Amped’s vision is to achieve a large-scale shift in the qualitative and economic valuation of food, thereby improving its relationship with the environment, health, the market and education. AMPED was the founder of the short food chain company Local2Local, initiator of the Dutch Short Food Chain Collective, and is currently the Dutch Living Lab manager and the governance lead in the European agri-project EU4Advice (H2020).