You can’t milk birds

Every week Nanouk de Jong runs the Operation Food Freedom pickup point on Zeeburgereiland in Amsterdam. With this she makes healthy, local food affordable and accessible in her neighbourhood!

On Friday April 12th the vegetables were used to make a delicious soup prior to the film screening of ‘You can’t milk birds’ (‘Vogels kun je niet melken’) at the community center of Nautilus Zeeburgereiland, a film produced and attended for a Q&A by Barbara Makkinga.

It was very cool to hear in Nanouk’s presentation on how Operation Food Freedom (OFF) contributes to the ambitions of the Baaibuurt Collective. The value of Operation Food Freedom in action!

That’s how we like it: good food fun activities.

Maarten Klop was asked to explain the audience how Operation Food Freedom offers perspective for farmers and the role of Operation Food Freedom in the bottom up food movement which is working on regional and regenerative food systems.

Anyone can set up a vegetable distribution point for their community, are you interested? Please contact us at