
Many people would want to have access to homegrown produce and meat: delicious, healthy, and local. However, not everyone has access to a private farm, a vegetable garden, enough time on their hands, or a green thumb.

Now, there is a solution: the “Herenboerderij” [farmers co-op].
The farmers co-op is a small farming cooperative, owned by approximately 200 families (“Herenboeren”). Together they decide what to eat and what the farm shall produce. The farmer, who is employed by the cooperative, grows a dozen types of fruits and vegetables and looks after the farm animals that produces meat and eggs.

The participating families (“Herenboeren”) contribute a one-time 2.000 Euros for the formation of the farm. All participating families share in the annual operating cost. This includes the farmers’ salary, real estate cost, utilities, seeds and plants, and food for the farm animals. The annual recurring cost may vary by farm, however, for approximately 10 Euros (per person, per week) you will be eating healthy and fresh food from your own farm.

Amped was part of the founding team and facilitated the Herenboeren concept with business development, financial advice, custom-made web applications, playbooks, sales, communication & marketing and we developed the Herenboeren brand.

For the participation of the Herenboeren-community Amped also developed the HB-platform and we produced the video-tutorials for each step in the onboarding-process.