Talents Portraits: Sofie Arkink
Local2Local and Local2Local Talents have been collaborating with Utrecht University in the local food domain since the spring of 2014, through initiatives, pilots and projects, together with Green Office Utrecht, Stichting Groentetas, student communities, faculties and partner organizations.
Parallel, we also partnered with other universities and schools of applied sciences, such as HU, HKU, HvA, UvA and TUe. Amped and Local2Local facilitated many internships, research projects and provided students the opportunity to work, gain experience and exchange knowledge in the local food chain in the Utrecht region,. This was premised on the idea that the transition to a sustainable and regionally connected food system can’t be achieved without socio-cultural change and an active leading role by the next generation. In 2020 these activities converged into the formation of Local2Local Talents, to support and grow their roles in the food transition.
In the Talents Portraits video series we introduce young people who have been part of this journey and would like to share their experiences, learnings and views on the future of food.
Sofie Arkink
This week we feature Sofie Arkink from Twente, a dairy farmer’s daughter and a Master student Food System Innovation at Aeres University of Applied Sciences who interned at Local2Local from Nov 2022 until early Feb 2023. It truly was a joy getting to know Sofie, experience her enthusiasm and to see the real impact that food has on her future. (Video in Dutch)