Invitation annual meeting Vital Food Community – Wageningen, Jan 26 2024
The Vital Food Community has continued to develop over the past year, in partnership with Local2Local and Amped. With an active core and a group of followers around it, we follow the principles of nature in developing the community. In an organic way, we have continued to build the connection between the participants. We are now ready to move on to implementation. For this, we are making plans, which we would like to share with you.

We therefore gladly invite you to the second annual meeting of the Vital Food Community. It will be held on 26 January 2024 in building Omnia, Hoge Steeg 2 in Wageningen. We have again created a varied programme, focusing on vital soil, vital plants and animals, vital food and vital people. The keynote speaker is Pablo Tittonell, professor Agroecology and sustainability at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
- Annual community meeting. Feeding place of the swarm
- Networking, meet new people, strengthen community
- Knowledge exchange and inspiration
- Raising awareness of importance of vital food
To cover the costs we ask for a contribution of 35 euro, participation for studenten is 15 euro.
Click here for more information and the full programme, the workshops and to reserve your seat (100 tickets available)!
Location and parking
Omnia Auditorium, Hoge Steeg 2, Gebouw 105, 6708 PH Wageningen.
Participants who arrive by care can park in the Unilever garage. Reserve your parking here.
Please share this invitation with people in your network!