Digitisation, News, Regional food strategy Scientific paper on GAIN Transition Model: Gamification for sustainable food transitions
News, Projects, Regional food strategy The perfect storm for local food is here: the rollout strategy of a robust, regional and regenerative food system
Community, News, Projects, Regional food strategy Next phase rollout of regional and regenerative food system in the AMA
Activation, Community, Regional food strategy Activation phase of a robust regional food system in AMA: co-creation sessions Zuidas & Pakhuis de Zwijger
News, Projects, Regional food strategy Working together for a healthy and sustainable food environment in the Utrecht region
News, Regional food strategy Activatiefase robuust regionaal voedselsysteem in de MRA: co-creatiesessie Urban Food
News, Projects, Regional food strategy, Talents Local2Local & HvA : Voedsel rond de Stelling research