Projects We collaborate within the business innovation ecosystem towards robust, regional and regenerative food systems, bottom-up and top-down. We build cooperation through phases and levels, trusted and interconnected. The Amsterdam Metropolitan Area as shared Living Lab for EU Horizon projects FoodCLIC and EU4Advice Launch of a robust, regional and regenerative food system in Utrecht Grounded Kitchen & Local2Local helped by HU- and VU-students Reflecting on FOOD 2030 Start of Operation Food Freedom Wageningen a big success … and a party! Operation Food Freedom Wageningen is open! Launch EU4Advice Living Lab Dutch short food chains a big success EU4Advice (2022-2027) SmartShortChain Sustainable products Operation Food Freedom Overvecht EU4Advice workshop at ISEKI Food Conference 2023 Een nieuw voedselsysteem; samen lerend op weg – 20 juni, Pakhuis de Zwijger Bijeenkomst ‘Korte ketens in de zorg’ – 12 mei Meeting cluster formation in the Limburg short chain – June 9 Maastricht HvA Community of Practice: Shake The Hand That Feeds You 1 2 3 4 5 6